PHP travel clock based on Mysql date time

Discussion in 'Programming' started by AimyThomas, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. AimyThomas

    AimyThomas Banned

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I have date time records in a PHP mysql table, I need a PHP travel clock which obviously counts down, I mean acts like a travel clock, but the clock time should be the date time field value down by the second, based on the full date time, from day to seconds

    It is not just one record, I made it to display this clock, the problem is JavaScript, which makes all the 36 records the last record value, it is an ajax pagination, so I will need to do the same on next page, right now Ajax is not a priority, I can let go of Ajax pagination, but need to display the clock

    Thanks in Advance

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