Making own linear list

Discussion in 'C#' started by plowc, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. plowc

    plowc New Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Hello everyone,

    I am new to this forum. I have a sort of simple task to do with the C#, well it looks like it is not so simple. I have to create my own CLinearList that has only CNodeLong and CNodeString elements in it. I thought I could solve this like it is writtens down below but the code does not work, it compiles, it runs but nothing is written in console.
    I use Microsoft Visual Studio.
    I think I am lost because i don't know what else can I do with the code.
    If anyone can help me, I would appriciate it :)

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    namespace Naloga2
        class CNode
            private CNode next;
            public CNode getNext()
                return next;
            public void setNext(CNode input)
                next = input;
            public CNode()
                next = null;
            public virtual void Print()
        class CNodeLong : CNode
            private long vrednost;
            public long getVrednost()
                return vrednost;
            public void setVrednost(long input)
                vrednost = input;
            public CNodeLong()
            public CNodeLong(long val)
                vrednost = val;
            new public virtual void Print()
        unsafe class CNodeString : CNode
            private char* vrednost;
            public char* getVrednost()
                return vrednost;
            public void setVrednost(char* input)
                if (vrednost != null)
                    vrednost = null;
                vrednost = input;
            public CNodeString()
            public CNodeString(char* val)
                vrednost = val;
            public virtual void print()
        class CLinearList
            private CNode FirstElement;
            private CNode endElement;
            private CNode tmp;
            public void Add(CNodeLong input)
                tmp = new CNodeLong();
                tmp = input;
                endElement = endElement.getNext();
                tmp = null;
            public void Add(CNodeString input)
                tmp = new CNodeString();
                tmp = input;
                endElement = endElement.getNext();
                tmp = null;
            public CNode Get()
                if (tmp != null)
                    tmp = null;
                tmp = FirstElement;
                FirstElement = FirstElement.getNext();
                return tmp;
            public void Print()
                tmp = FirstElement;
                while (tmp != null)
                    tmp = tmp.getNext();
                tmp = null;
            public CLinearList()
                FirstElement = new CNode();
                endElement = new CNode();
                tmp = null;
            public CLinearList(CNode input)
                FirstElement = new CNode();
                FirstElement = input;
                tmp = null;
            unsafe public static void Main(String[] args)
                CLinearList seznam = new CLinearList();
                seznam.Add(new CNodeLong(1234));
                seznam.Add(new CNodeLong(53425));
                seznam.Add(new CNodeLong(666));
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2011

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