Where does that leave the newbie wanting

Discussion in 'Social Media Marketing' started by montyauto, May 1, 2007.

  1. montyauto

    montyauto New Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I am looking for responsive ways to advertise my MLM opportunity for free or cheaply and ways that my downline can duplicate.

    I have tried:

    1) Google ads - too expensive for most good keywords
    2) Search Engines - most affiliate/referral links do not get ranked although I do have my own site I work on
    3) Safelists - a waste of time?
    4) Yahoo groups - the same?
    5) Hitexchanges - used to work but now too many and too many auto-surfs?
    6) Ezine advertising - can work if targetted but solo ads can be expensive and other ads get lost.

    So where does that leave the newbie wanting to build an online business
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    There are lots of ways you can do lot of free advertising or you can call it cheap because you need to be spending some time over it and if time is money then it should not be considered free. some of the articles that you should be reading -

    [thread=251]Email Marketing[/thread] - Let your friends know about your site and have them a reason to come back
    [thread=7]20 Different ways to promote your site[/thread]
    [thread=2716]The Art of link exchanges[/thread]

    After that you can have some of the promotion tips that best suits you and use them and apply them.

    Also forums are a good way to get the word out and if you tend to posts in related forums with a link to your site in signatures and when people find posts interesting they do tend to visit your site and book mark it. At least I do that and have seen the same in forums like sitepoint.com and many other

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