how do I init a vector within a struct?

Discussion in 'C++' started by hobbyist, May 22, 2012.

  1. hobbyist

    hobbyist New Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    If I had something like

    typedef struct {
        std::string some_data;
    } foo;
    foo init_data[] = { { "" }, { "" }, { "" } };
    typedef struct {
       std::string more_data;
       std::vector<foo> sfoo;
    } bar;
    bar test = ??
    How/where would I init sfoo with the values from init_data? C++ is confusing. :D

    shabbir, does this look right?? I got a result, finally.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>
    typedef struct {
        std::string string_data1;
        std::string string_data2;
    } foo;
    foo init_data[] = {
        { "init_data1 str1", "init_data1 str2" },
        { "init_data2 str1", "init_data2 str2" },
        { "init_data3 str1", "init_data3 str2" },
        { "init_data4 str1", "init_data4 str2" },
        { "init_data5 str1", "init_data5 str2" }
    typedef struct {
        std::string string_data1;
        std::vector<foo> struct_foo;
        std::vector<foo>::iterator it;
    } bar;
    int main() {
        bar test = { { "" }, std::vector<foo>(init_data, init_data + 5) };
        for( = test.struct_foo.begin(); != test.struct_foo.end(); ++(
            std::cout << "string data1: " << (*
                      << std::endl
                      << "string data2: " << (*
                      << "\n\n";
        return 0;
    this stuff is enough to make bill gates give up technology and take up gardening...

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