need help in rowid values

Discussion in 'SQL Server' started by merox, May 4, 2009.

  1. merox

    merox New Member

    May 4, 2009
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    i'm using sql server 2005
    i have 2 tables, first table X, second table Y
    X has column:
    DEM_ID int
    DEM_DATE datetime
    DEM_QTY numeric(18,0)
    constraint PK_DEMAND primary key nonclustered (DEM_ID)
    Y has column:
    FRC_ID int
    FRC_YEAR numeric(4)
    FRC_MON numeric(2)
    FRC_SALES numeric(18,0)
    FRC_FRCSALES numeric(18,0)
    FRC_FRCLOG numeric(18,0)
    constraint PK_FORECASTSALES primary key nonclustered (FRC_ID)
    What i want to do is put each month and year from col dem_date in table X to col frc_year and frc_mon in table Y and put sum dem_qty per mon and year to frc_sales. and then get frc_frcsales row values from calculation (e.g for row 90 = (4*89th row in col frc_sales)+(6*84th row in col frc_sales+....), for row 91 =(4*90th row in col frc_sales)+(6*85th row in col frc_sales+....) ) and continues everytime i had new row on table X.

    Best Regards & Thanks.

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