Need a help on C++

Discussion in 'C++' started by retroshell, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. retroshell

    retroshell New Member

    Dec 25, 2011
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    This source code is for chess game in C++
    But I can't move it's pieces, Please help me.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std;
    class Piece {
            //private members
            //private methods        
            //public members
            string label;                //the name of the piece ("Kn", "Bi", etc.)
            int currentRow;            //keeps up with row position
            int currentColumn;    //keeps up with column position
            string color;                //keeps up with which color the piece is
            bool canHop;                //determines whether piece can jump over other pieces
            //public methods
            Piece(string, int, int, string);            //constructor
            virtual bool isMoveLegal(int, int);    //validates that the move the player chose can be performed by this piece        
    Piece::Piece(string lab, int row, int col, string c) {
        color = c;
        //appends a B or W at the end of a piece's name
        if (color == "black") {    label = lab + "-B"; }
        else {    label = lab + "-W"; }
        currentRow = row;
        currentColumn = col;
        //since only the knight can jump over other pieces, the default value is false
        canHop = false;
    } //end of constructor
    bool Piece::isMoveLegal(int destRow, int destColumn) {
        //rook rules.  this method could also simply return true,
        //since it is going to be overriden by any subclass based on it
        if (currentRow == destRow || currentColumn == destColumn) {
            return true;
        else return false;
    } //end of isMoveLegal
    class Pawn: public Piece {
            bool isFirstMove;    //this variable is only necessary for the pawn
            Pawn(int, int, string);        //constructor
            bool isMoveLegal(int, int);    //validates that the move the player chose can be performed by this piece                
    Pawn::Pawn (int row, int col, string c) : Piece ("Pn", row, col, c) {
        //nice and simple
        isFirstMove = true;        //this variable is only a member of Paw
    } //end of constructor
    bool Pawn::isMoveLegal(int newRow, int newColumn) {
        //pawn movement rules
        if (isFirstMove && currentColumn == newColumn && abs(newRow - currentRow) == 2) {        
            isFirstMove = false;
            return true;
        else if (currentColumn == newColumn && abs(newRow - currentRow) == 1) {
            isFirstMove = false;
            return true;
        return false;
    } //end of isMoveLegal
    class King: public Piece {
            King(int, int, string);
            bool isMoveLegal(int, int);    //validates that the move the player chose can be performed by this piece                
    King::King (int row, int col, string c) : Piece ("K", row, col, c) {
        //nice and simple
    } //end of constructor
    bool King::isMoveLegal(int newRow, int newColumn) {
        return false;
    class Knight: public Piece {
            Knight(int, int, string);
            bool isMoveLegal(int, int);    //validates that the move the player chose can be performed by this piece    
    Knight::Knight(int row, int col, string c) : Piece ("KN", row, col, c) {
        //nice and simple
    } //end of constructor
    bool Knight::isMoveLegal(int newRow, int newColumn) {
        return false;
    class Queen: public Piece {
            //private members
            //private methods
            Queen(int, int, string);
            bool isMoveLegal(int, int);    //validates that the move the player chose can be performed by this piece                
    Queen::Queen(int row, int col, string c) : Piece ("Q", row, col, c) {
        //nice and simple
    } //end of constructor
    bool Queen::isMoveLegal(int newRow, int newColumn) {
        return false;
    class Rook: public Piece {
            //private members
            //private methods
            Rook(int, int, string);
            bool isMoveLegal(int, int);    //validates that the move the player chose can be performed by this piece                
    Rook::Rook(int row, int col, string c) : Piece ("RK", row, col, c) {
        //nice and simple
    } //end of constructor
    bool Rook::isMoveLegal(int newRow, int newColumn) {
        return false;
    class Bishop: public Piece {
            //private members
            //private methods
            Bishop(int, int, string);
            bool isMoveLegal(int, int);    //validates that the move the player chose can be performed by this piece                
    Bishop::Bishop(int row, int col, string c) : Piece ("BI", row, col, c) {
        //nice and simple
    } //end of constructor
    bool Bishop::isMoveLegal(int newRow, int newColumn) {
        return false;
    class Board {
            string theBoard [8][8];        //an array of strings which represents the board
            void eraseBoard();            //this clears the board
            Board();                    //constructor
            void drawBoard();        //draws the board
            void setPiece(string, int, int);    //this "sets" a piece on the board the first time
            void setPiece(int, int, int, int);    //this version of the method moves a piece
    Board::Board()  {
    } //end of constructor
    void Board::eraseBoard() {
        for (int r=0; r<8; r++) {
            for (int c=0; c<8; c++) {
                theBoard[r][c] = " + ";
            } //end of columns
        } //end of rows
    } //end of initializeBoard
    void Board::setPiece(string pieceName, int destRow, int destCol) {
        theBoard[destRow][destCol]= pieceName;
    } //end of setPiece
    void Board::setPiece(int sourceRow, int sourceCol, int destRow, int destCol) {
        //implement this
    } //end of setPiece
    void Board::drawBoard() {
        cout<<"\t A \t B \t C \t D \t E \t F \t G \t H \t";
        for (int r=0; r<8; r++) {
            cout << " \n";
            cout << endl;
            cout << r+1;
            for (int c=0; c<8; c++) {    
                cout << "\t";
                cout << theBoard [r] [c];
            } //end of columns
        } //end of rows
        cout << endl;
        cout << "\n";
    } //end of drawBoard
    class Game {
            Board theBoard;
            vector <Piece*> allThePieces;        //a vector of Piece pointers
            string whoseTurn;                            //holds either "black" or "white"
            //this method converts the user's input into a form the board can understand.
            //for instance, it changes the user's input "B" to 2.  it also does the same for
            //the input "3", which is changed to a 3.
            int convertStringToNum(char); //implement this
            //this method constructs all the pieces and places them on the board
            void createPieces();//implement part of this; do one or two pieces
            Piece * findPiece(int, int);        //locates a particular piece using row and column coordinates
            bool intersectsOtherPieces(int, int, int, int); //checks whether path moves through other pieces
            //checks for a piece at a location, then removes it from the board
            void capturePiece(int, int);
            //public methods
            Game();        //constructor
            ~Game();        //destructor
            void takeTurns();        //swaps whose turn it is and ask for moves
            //tries to move a piece.  if there are no problems, it returns true.  
            //if it is unsuccesful (for instance, if the move is illegal), it returns false.
            bool movePiece(int, int, int, int);
            //checks whether each team still has their king, if one is missing, the other
            //team is declared the winner
            bool isGameOver();
    Game::Game() {
        whoseTurn = "white";
        cout <<"Let the games begin! \n";
    } // end of createPieces
    void Game::createPieces() {
        for (int i=1; i<=8; i++) {        
            allThePieces.push_back(new Pawn (2, i, "black"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Pawn (7, i, "white"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new King (1, 5, "black"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new King (8, 5, "white"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Queen (1, 4, "black"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Queen (8, 4, "white"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Knight (1, 2, "black"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Knight (8, 2, "white"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Knight (1, 7, "black"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Knight (8, 7, "white"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Rook (1, i, "black"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Rook (8, i, "white"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Rook (1, i, "black"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Rook (8, i, "white"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Bishop (1, 8, "black"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Bishop (8, 1, "white"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Bishop (1, 1, "black"));
            allThePieces.push_back(new Bishop (8, 8, "white"));
        for (int i=0; i<allThePieces.size(); i++) {
    } //end of createPieces
    bool Game::movePiece(int pieceRow, int pieceCol, int destRow, int destCol) {
        Piece * tempPiece;
        tempPiece = findPiece(pieceRow, pieceCol);
        //first, make sure there's a piece where they selected
        if (tempPiece->currentRow == -1) {
            cout<<"no piece exists at "<<pieceRow<<", "<<pieceCol<<"\n";  
            return false;
        //next, make sure they are moving one of their own pieces
        else if (whoseTurn != tempPiece->color) {
            cout<<"that is not your piece\n";
            return false;
        //next, check that the destination is not the same as the current location
        else if (pieceRow == destRow && pieceCol == destCol) {
            cout<<"your piece is already at that location\n";
            return false;
        //next, check to make sure i'm not moving onto a piece of my own color
        else if (findPiece(destRow, destCol)->color == tempPiece->color) {
            cout<<"can't move on top of a piece of your own color\n";
            return false;
        //next, make sure the path is clear to my goal spot
        else if (intersectsOtherPieces(pieceRow, pieceCol, destRow, destCol) &&
            !tempPiece->canHop ) {
            cout<<"there is a piece in your way.  only knights can jump over other pieces.\n";
            return false;
        //next, check to see if the move is legal for that piece
        else if (!tempPiece->isMoveLegal(destRow, destCol)) {
            cout<<"sorry, that move is not legal!\n";
            return false;
        //if we've made it this far, we're okay.  place the piece
        cout<<"moving piece "<<tempPiece->label<<" to "<<destRow<<", "<<destCol<<"\n";
        //capture any piece that's there
        capturePiece(destRow, destCol);
        //inform the board
        theBoard.setPiece(tempPiece->currentRow-1, tempPiece->currentColumn-1, destRow-1, destCol-1);
        //change the piece's location
        tempPiece->currentRow = destRow;
        tempPiece->currentColumn = destCol;
    } //end of movePiece
    Piece * Game::findPiece(int row, int col) {
        bool foundPiece = false;
        Piece * currPiece;
        for (int i=0; i<allThePieces.size(); i++) {  //iterate through all the pieces
            currPiece =;    
            if (currPiece->currentRow == row && currPiece->currentColumn == col) {
                return currPiece;
                foundPiece = true;
            } //end of searching for piece
        if (!foundPiece) {    
            return &Piece("no piece", -1, -1, "no color");
    } //end of findPiece
    bool Game::intersectsOtherPieces(int sourceRow, int sourceColumn, int destRow, int destColumn) {
        int tempRow = sourceRow;
        int tempColumn = sourceColumn;
        while(tempRow != destRow || tempColumn != destColumn) {
            if(tempRow < destRow) { tempRow++; }
            else if (tempRow > destRow) { tempRow--; }
            if(tempColumn < destColumn) { tempColumn++; }
            else if (tempColumn > destColumn) { tempColumn--; }
            if (findPiece(tempRow, tempColumn)->currentRow != -1) {
                //cout<<"found piece in your way at "<<tempRow<<", "<<tempColumn;
                return true;
            return false;
        } //end of while
    } //end of intersectsOtherPieces
    int Game::convertStringToNum(char letter) {
        //implement this, it does not work
        return -1;
    } //end of convertLetterToNum
    void Game::takeTurns() {
        if (whoseTurn == "white") { whoseTurn = "black";  }
        else { whoseTurn = "white";  }
        char source1, source2, dest1, dest2;
        int sRow, sCol, dRow, dCol;
        bool moveSuccessful = false;
        while (!moveSuccessful) {
            //prompt for move
            cout<<whoseTurn<<", which piece would you like to move? > ";
            cout<<"where would you like to move? > ";
            //convert the letter to a number
            if (isalpha(source1)) {
                sCol = convertStringToNum(source1);
                sRow = convertStringToNum(source2);
            else {
                sRow = convertStringToNum(source1);
                sCol = convertStringToNum(source2);
            if (isalpha(dest1)) {
                dCol = convertStringToNum(dest1);
                dRow = convertStringToNum(dest2);
            else {
                dRow = convertStringToNum(dest1);
                dCol = convertStringToNum(dest2);
            moveSuccessful = movePiece(sRow, sCol, dRow, dCol);
        } //end of while move is not successful
    } //end of takeTurns
    void Game::capturePiece(int row, int col) {
        Piece * currPiece;
        int targetIndex = -1;
        for (int i=0; i<allThePieces.size(); i++) {  //iterate through all the pieces
            currPiece =;    
            if (currPiece->currentRow == row && currPiece->currentColumn == col) {
                targetIndex = i;
                cout<<"you captured the "<<currPiece->label<<"\n";
            } //end of searching for piece
        if (targetIndex != -1) {
            allThePieces.erase(allThePieces.begin() + targetIndex);
    } //end of capturePiece
    bool Game::isGameOver() {
        bool foundWhiteKing = false;
        bool foundBlackKing = false;
        Piece * currPiece;
        for (int i=0; i<allThePieces.size(); i++) {  //iterate through all the pieces
            currPiece =;    
            if (currPiece->label == "K-W") { foundWhiteKing = true; }
            else if (currPiece->label == "K-B") { foundBlackKing = true; }
        if (!foundWhiteKing) {    
            cout<<"Black team wins! Congratulations!";  
            return true;
        else if (!foundBlackKing) {    
            cout<<"White team wins! Congratulations!";  
            return true;
        else {  return false;  }
    } //end of isGameOver
    Game::~Game() {
        for (int i=0; i<allThePieces.size(); i++) {  //iterate through all the pieces
    } //end of destructor
    int main() {
        int kludge;
        Game theGame;
        //Board gameboard;
        //while (!theGame.isGameOver()) {            
        //} //end of while game is not over
        return 0;
    } //end of main
  2. Scripting

    Scripting John Hoder

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Hmm, I would indeed want to help you, but I don't have 2 hours for reading through this huge code, sorry.
  3. xpi0t0s

    xpi0t0s Mentor

    Aug 6, 2004
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    >> I can't move it's pieces

    What happens if you try?

    Does your code compile? If not, what errors do you get?
    I suspect you'll get an error here:
    bool Game::intersectsOtherPieces(int sourceRow, int sourceColumn, int destRow, int destColumn) {
    if (findPiece(tempRow, tempColumn)->currentRow != -1) {
    because findPiece returns a Piece*, not an int.

    But anyway, I need to know what happens if you try to move a piece, because I can't tell from looking at the code why you can't move one.

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