What is the difference between Friend Function and virtual function?

Discussion in 'C' started by suchi, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. suchi

    suchi New Member

    Jul 26, 2009
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    Could somebody help me out to point out Difference Between Friend Function and virtual function. I am very much confuse with the definition and use of both also.:baby:
  2. xpi0t0s

    xpi0t0s Mentor

    Aug 6, 2004
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    They're completely different beasts...

    A friend function is a function that can access a class's private members while not being a member of that class. (You can also have friend classes)

    A function is defined virtual so that polymorphism can work: if you have a pointer to the base class and invoke a virtual function, the derived class's version of the function is called. Without virtual functions you would have to cast a pointer to a base class to a pointer to a derived class to invoke the intended function.

    class base
    	virtual void foo() { printf("Base class foo()\n"); }
    	void bar() { printf("Base class bar()\n"); }
    class c : public base
    	void foo() { printf("c foo()\n"); }
    	void bar() { printf("c bar()\n"); }
    	friend c *friend_func();
    c *friend_func()
    	return new c;
    void fvtest()
    	// c my_c; // compile error due to private constructor
    	base *b=friend_func();
    	b->foo(); // should call c::foo()
    	b->bar(); // should call b::bar()
    	c* cptr=(c*)b;
    	cptr->foo(); // should call c::foo()
    	cptr->bar(); // should call c::bar()
    (In my testbed main just calls fvtest())

    c foo()
    Base class bar()
    c foo()
    c bar()

    So you see here that b is defined as a pointer to base, is used as a pointer to base, but a pointer to c action occurs because b::foo() is virtual. b::bar() is not virtual so b->bar() invokes b::bar().

    Also you can see that no cast is needed where b is initialised, i.e. you don't have to say base *b=(base*)friend_func(). This is because it's perfectly OK to assign a pointer-to-derived to a pointer-to-base variable. On the other hand a cast IS needed to initialise cptr, because an object that is pointed to by a base pointer might not actually be of class c. So this assignment is unsafe and a cast is required, but that's OK because we know friend_func() returned a c*.

    If you actually want to call base::foo() directly, using b, then you have to specify the class:
    shabbir likes this.

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