data structures

Discussion in 'C++' started by dflatt, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. dflatt

    dflatt New Member

    Aug 31, 2010
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    I can't decide what data structure to use for a program I'm making.

    the program I'm making is a football table, the variables used so far are;
    string team;
    int played = 0, goalsfor = 0, goalsagainst = 0, goaldiff = 0, win = 0, draw = 0, lose = 0, points = 0;

    I was originally thinking of using a vector as I can resize it when I set it up. the table is organised by the points initialy and in the event of a tie goal difference is used.

    I was thinking of using quicksort to organise it.

    any advice?

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