What is the Problem with my c code ?

Discussion in 'C' started by Eng_Girl, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. Eng_Girl

    Eng_Girl New Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Hi, I need help from anyone who knows, this code is a test for GPS receiver compiled in ICC11 without any errors ,but when I want to run it ,it didn't run why???????? :confused: :confused:

    #include < stdio.h > 
    #include < ctype.h > 
    #include < stdlib.h > 
    #include < string.h > 
    #include < math.h > 
    #define MAXSIZE 100 
    // char read from COM port 
    char  charRead[]="$GPRMC,123519,A,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,022.4,084.4,230394,003.1,W*6A"; 
    //    Buffer collects chars read from GPS 
       unsigned char  stringRead[MAXSIZE]; 
    //    Set an array for each attribute 
     unsigned char  tempString[MAXSIZE]; 
     unsigned char  timeString[12]; 
     unsigned char  latitudeString[11]; 
     unsigned char  latitudeCardinalString[3]; 
     unsigned char  longitudeString[12]; 
     unsigned char  longitudeCardinalString[3]; 
     unsigned char  speedString[11]; 
     unsigned char  dateString[11]; 
    //    Declare pointer 
     unsigned char  *pChar; 
    //    Coordinated Universal Time(GMT) & Eastern Standard time 
    unsigned  long utcTime, estTime; 
    unsigned  long utcHour, estHour; 
    unsigned  long utcMinutes, estMinutes; 
    unsigned  long utcSeconds, estSeconds; 
    unsigned  long date; 
    unsigned  long day,month,year; 
    //    Sets the last comma position 
     unsigned  char lastCommaPosition; 
    //    Sets the Latitude & Longitude 
     float          latitude; 
     int         latDegrees; 
     float         latMinutes; 
     float     longitude; 
     int        longDegrees; 
     float        longMinutes; 
     float      speed; 
    //    dummy variable 
       unsigned int   j, k; 
    //    Number of chars read per GPS message string 
       unsigned int     i; 
    //    Number of GPS strings read 
       unsigned int     numLinesRead; 
    //    initializing the serial ports SCI0 & SCI1 
    //    Enter a loop for reading char from serial port(Data Reg.) 
    //do { 
    void main(void){ 
        // checks if GPS messages start with $  char 
    #if charRead=='$' 
         i = 0; 
         stringRead[i] = charRead;  /*  include each char read to the array 
    /* By this point, a complete GPS string has been read so save it         /* Append the null terminator to the string read */ 
         stringRead[i+1] = '\0'; 
         /* Analyze string that we collected */ 
          j = 0; 
         pChar = stringRead; /*     put a pointer for the stringRead   array*/ 
         while(*(pChar+j) != COMMA) {       /* COMMA  0x2C */ 
              tempString[j] = *(pChar+j); /*store the string before the comma */ 
         tempString[j] = '\0';   /* append the null to the end 
         /* Check if string we collected is the $GPRMC message */ 
         #if tempString[3] == 'R' && tempString[4] == 'M' && tempString[5] == 'C' 
    /* Found GPRMC string. It has 11 commas total. Its NMEA sentence structure is: 
        RMC          Recommended Minimum sentence C 
        123519       Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC 
        A            Status A=active or V=Void. 
        4807.038,N   Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N 
        01131.000,E  Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E 
        022.4        Speed over the ground in knots 
        084.4        Track angle in degrees True 
        230394       Date - 23rd of March 1994 
        003.1,W      Magnetic Variation 
        *6A          The checksum data, always begins with * 
       pChar = stringRead;  /* pointer to the String read 
    /* Get UTC time */ 
             j = 7;  /* start of time field */ 
             k = 0; 
             while(*(pChar+j) != COMMA) { //loop until a comma is found 
              timeString[k] = *(pChar+j);   //save in the time string 
           lastCommaPosition = j; //  save the position of the last comma 
           timeString[k] = '\0'; // append the null to the end 
          sscanf(timeString, "%ld", &utcTime); //save the string to the variable 
           utcHour = (utcTime/10000); //extract Hours from long 
           utcMinutes = (utcTime - (utcHour*10000))/100;  //extract minutes from long 
           utcSeconds = utcTime - (utcHour*10000) -    (utcMinutes*100);                     /* extract seconds from long */ 
             #if(utcHour >= 0 && utcHour <= 20) 
             estHour = utcHour + 3; 
             #elseif estHour = utcHour - 21; 
             estMinutes = utcMinutes; 
             estSeconds = utcSeconds; 
         /* Get lattitude: ddmm.mmmm */ 
             pChar = stringRead; 
             j = lastCommaPosition + 1; //start from the next comma 
             k = 0; 
             while(*(pChar+j) != COMMA) { 
              latitudeString[k] = *(pChar+j); //save in the latitude string 
             lastCommaPosition = j; 
             latitudeString[k] = '\0'; 
             sscanf(latitudeString, "%f", &latitude); 
             latDegrees = (int)(latitude/100); 
             latMinutes = (float)(latitude - latDegrees*100); 
             /* Get lattitude Cardinal direction */ 
             pChar = stringRead; 
             j = lastCommaPosition + 1; 
             k = 0; 
             while(*(pChar+j) != COMMA) { 
              latitudeCardinalString[k] = *(pChar+j); 
             lastCommaPosition = j; 
             latitudeCardinalString[k] = '\0'; 
    /* Get longitude: dddmm.mmmm */ 
             pChar = stringRead; 
             j = lastCommaPosition + 1; 
             k = 0; 
             while(*(pChar+j) != COMMA) { 
              longitudeString[k] = *(pChar+j); 
             lastCommaPosition = j; 
             longitudeString[k] = '\0'; 
             sscanf(longitudeString, "%f", &longitude); 
             longDegrees = (int)(longitude/100); 
             longMinutes = (float)(longitude - longDegrees*100); 
    /* Get Speed in Knots */ 
                   pChar = stringRead; 
             j = lastCommaPosition + 1; 
             k = 0; 
             while(*(pChar+j) != COMMA) { 
              speedString[k] = *(pChar+j); 
             lastCommaPosition = j; 
             speedString[k] = '\0'; 
             sscanf(speedString, "%f", &speed); 
             speed = speed * 1.852; 
    /* Get date  */ 
             pChar = stringRead; 
             j = lastCommaPosition + 2; // skip the Track angle 
             k = 0; 
             while(*(pChar+j) != COMMA) { 
              dateString[k] = *(pChar+j); 
             lastCommaPosition = j; 
             dateString[k] = '\0'; 
             sscanf(dateString, "%ld", &date); 
            day = (date/10000); //extract day from long 
            month = (date - (day*10000))/100;  // extract month from long 
            year = date - (day*10000) - (month*100); // extract year from long 
    //else not a GPRMC sentence 
    // otherwise not a $ character... so loop back until one arrives 
    //  } while(1); 
    printf("The Result ....\n"); 
    printf("%02ld:%02ld:%02ld UTC = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld EST", utcHour, utcMinutes, utcSeconds, estHour, estMinutes, estSeconds); 
    printf("\t%02d DEG\t%2.4f MIN", latDegrees, latMinutes); 
    printf(" %s", latitudeCardinalString); 
    printf("\t%03d DEG\t%2.4f MIN", longDegrees, longMinutes); 
    } /* end of main */
  2. coderzone

    coderzone Super Moderator

    Jul 25, 2004
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    What do you mean by did not run? I got the output of the printf statements. I guess you have the conditions in the #if instead of if and so probably it just goes to the end of the main where printf's are there.
  3. Eng_Girl

    Eng_Girl New Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Coderzone what do u mean???

    which program you used?????
  4. coderzone

    coderzone Super Moderator

    Jul 25, 2004
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    What I meant is You have the condition like
    #if charRead=='$'
    But I think it should be
    Because I dont think MACRO if will be true at any point.

    Of course the one you have given here.

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