associative container data structure in c++

Discussion in 'C++' started by pap, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. pap

    pap New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I am trying to implement a student grading system.
    -Use an Associative container, multimap.
    -Search record by Student name (the key) and the data consists of student ID and GPA.
    Since more than one student can have the same name, use a

    progam does the following:
    1. It will use a multimap as the container.
    2. It will use the Student class to describe the
    ID and GPA. multimap will be declared:
    multimap<string, Student> grades;
    3. use data(names, IDs and GPAs)
    4. The main() driver will display a menu of commands available to
    the user: The commands are:
    a. insert a student’s data into the system, The program will
    allow duplicate names to be inserted.
    b. Find a student’s data, given the student’s name(key). If
    there are multiple students in the container with the given
    name, display information about all of them.
    c.. Exit the system

    1. should have a source (.h and .cpp) files

    please help thanks
  2. pap

    pap New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    how i stated:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <map>
    using namespace std;
    class Student
      //--- Constructor
      Student (int id = 0, double gpa = 0);
      //--- Output operator
      friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Student & s);
      //--- Input operator
      friend istream & operator>>(istream & in, Student & s);
      //--- Less-than operator
      friend bool operator<(const Student & a, const Student & b);
      //--- Data members
      int myId;
      double myGPA;
    };  // end of class Student
    //--- Definition of constructor
    inline Student::Student(int id, double gpa)
      : myId(id), myGPA(gpa)
    { }
    //--- Definition of input operator
    inline istream & operator>>(istream & in, Student & s)
      in >> s.myId >> s.myGPA;
    //--- Definition of output operator
    inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Student & s)
    { out << "id = " << s.myId << "  GPA = " << s.myGPA;
     return out;
    //--- Definition of less-than operator
    inline bool operator<(const Student & a, const Student & b)
    { return a.myId < b.myId; }
    int main()
    	//typedef multimap<string, Student>grades
      typedef multimap<string, Student, less<string>> grades1;
      typedef multimap<Student, string, less<Student>> grades2;
      grades1 a1;   // associative array of Student, index type is string
      grades2 a2;   // associative array of string, index type is Student
      Student s;
      s = Student(12345, 3.3);  a1["Fred"] = s;   a2[s] = "Fred";
      s = Student(32322, 3.9);  a1["Al"] = s;     a2[s] = "Al";
      s = Student(13131, 2.5);  a1["Joan"] = s;   a2[s] = "Joan";
      s = Student(22121, 4.0);  a1["Barb"] = s;   a2[s] = "Barb";
      s = Student(28888, 2.9);  a1["George"] = s; a2[s] = "George";
      s = Student(19981, 3.0);  a1["Dot"] = s;    a2[s] = "Dot";
      s = Student(20012, 2.9);  a1["Sue"] = s;    a2[s] = "Sue";
      string name;
      cout << "Enter a name: ";
      cin >> name;
      grades1::iterator it1 = a1.find(name);
      cout << name << " has ";
      if (it1 == a1.end())
        cout << "no info";
        cout << a1[name];
      cout << endl;
      Student aStudent;
      cout << "Enter a Student's id and GPA: ";
      cin >> aStudent;
      grades2::iterator it2 = a2.find(aStudent);
      cout << "Student " << aStudent << " is ";
      if (it2 == a2.end())
        cout << "no info";
        cout << a2[aStudent];
      cout << endl;
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2012
  3. xpi0t0s

    xpi0t0s Mentor

    Aug 6, 2004
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    OK, what do you need help with? You've written some fairly advanced stuff there with friends and operators and so on, so the whole task should be straight forward for you.

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