flynn's classification

Discussion in 'Meet and Greet' started by nada, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. nada

    nada New Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    who can provide me with solutions of problems of advance computer architecture and parallel processing book.

    i need solution to this problem, who can help me:

    9. Assume that a simple addition of two elements requires a unit time. You are
    required to compute the execution time needed to perform the addition of a
    40 ​
    [FONT=AdvMT_SY] [/FONT]40 elements array using each of the following arrangements:
    (a) A SIMD system having 64 processing elements connected in nearestneighbor
    fashion. Consider that each processor has only its local
    (b) A SIMD system having 64 processing elements connected to a shared
    memory through an interconnection network. Ignore the communication
    (c) A MIMD computer system having 64 independent elements accessing a
    shared memory through an interconnection network. Ignore the communication
    (d) Repeat (b) and (c) above if the communication time takes two time units.

    thanks in advance

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