ISO C++ ambiguous error for assignment operator overloading

Discussion in 'C++' started by dany2704, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. dany2704

    dany2704 New Member

    Feb 4, 2013
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    String.h has the following operator overloading function which is an user defined
    int operator==(char *ch)
    int String::operator==(char *ch)
            if (strcmp(_text, ch) == 0)
                    return TRUE;
                    return FALSE;
    The above operator overloading function is called in the file Sample.c The g++ compiler throws the following error.
    String.h:67: note: candidate 1: int String::eek:perator==(char*)
    Sample.c:230: note: candidate 2: operator==(const char*, const char*) <built-in>
    Sample.c:249: error: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second:

    i have pasted the caller code (sample.c)
    230 if (String(StrInputBuffer.part_string(4)) == ":86:")
    249 else if (String(StrInputBuffer.part_string(1)) == ":")
    I used the below gnu command to compile the source file
    >g++ -c -g Sample.c -o sample
    compiler version:
    Target: x86_64-redhat-linux
    gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)
    Could you please help me to resolve the issue?

    Thanks for looking into this
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2013
  2. DRK

    DRK New Member

    Apr 13, 2012
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    Try to overload or modify this operator definition with const char *ch parameter.

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