I'm the Noobiest Noob!

Discussion in 'Meet and Greet' started by moondog, Jul 15, 2007.

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  1. moondog

    moondog New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    I am not a programmer .... I mean I dabble in Java and HTML .... but I am a graphic artist by day and a web designer by night (actually I do it all most of the time).

    I have a specific file format problem and I'm hoping to get some help from the smart guys here.

  2. DaWei

    DaWei New Member

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    Frankly, you're not going to get any help if you don't explain what you need help with. We could farble around for days trying to guess what we would know if we could read your mind. Please read the Before you make a query thread.
  3. moondog

    moondog New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    Wasn't sure where my question/problem fits. But I'll put it here and let you tell me where it REALLY goes if you would be so kind.

    Here's the deal. Back in 1997 a game came out called Chain of Command dealing with squad combat around Normandy. It is a multiplayer type game that was designed by a development group from Israel. The company went belly up in 2 years and allowed anyone that wanted to, to keep hosting the game. There are guys in the group of those who play that have been able to change the maps around ... mostly hit and miss for them. However, none of us has been able to change the files that contain the soldiers as they are contained in .mbm (Multi BitMap) files.

    I have found out from some of the guys at the All About Symbian forums that these are NOT Symbian .mbm files so I need help finding out WHAT they are and WHAT PROGRAM I can use to open them. Finding this out would also make things easier on the map guys, so it's not just for me.

    Now, it makes sense that these are .mbm (Multi Bitmap) files as there are NO files in the folders or on the server that are any other type of well known graphic. From what I've been able to gather, these files are compressed files. When I installed a couple of the programs recommended by the guys at All About Symbian the "icons" for the .mbm files changed to "unknown" to "winrar" looking. However WinRar doesn't open them. Winzip doesn't open them either.

  4. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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