Introduce a new machine tuning tool for SQL statements

Discussion in 'Oracle' started by Richard To, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. Richard To

    Richard To Member

    Sep 18, 2017
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    What is machine tuning for SQL statements?

    Tosska SQL Tuning Expert is a SQL tuning tool that optimizes your SQL statements without the need of user’s involvement. The product will give you the ultimate SQL performance solution by just point and click. What you have to do is to input your problematic SQL statement into the product and press a button. You don’t have to do analysis, guessing or testing during the entire SQL tuning process. The improved SQL statement will be benchmarked with your original SQL statement side by side without suspicion.

    The machine tuning for SQL statements is a proprietary technology invented by Tosska to mimic a human expert SQL tuning process, in which the engine tries every possible Oracle Hints combinations for a SQL statement to improve the execution speed. As the permutation of Oracle Hints combinations to a SQL statement is so huge, it is impossible for a human expert to accomplish it for complex SQL statements. Furthermore, it is also no way for a DBA or developer to guarantee that the best solution is found after a lot of trials and errors.

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  2. Richard To

    Richard To Member

    Sep 18, 2017
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