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Clean User Generated HTML In Ruby

  Web applications have always to deal with user input, nowadays more HTML, so there is a risk of malicious HTML code, XSS, etc. So, the best way to deal with user input would be sanitize it i.e. the removal of unwanted HTML tags or attributes, like we might not want to have links or scripts in...


Ruby Tips & Tricks

  In this article I would to share a few lesser known coding tips & tricks in Ruby language, this has helped me make my code shorter and write code quicker, nevertheless the more you know the higher the chances of finding out some trick yourself. [MARK=]Delete a directory tree[/MARK] Sometimes,...


Php string Class

  Creates a class that acts as a string wrapper similar to Java and C#. Php doesn't do types so I created a class to act as a wrapper to provide a faux type for strings. The code is designed so that you can create text variables which...


PHP Array Class

  This class is a wrapper for array's that allows you to use oop to create and manage an array. This class is inspired by Java and C#'s array class. If you'd like to use oop to manage an array this class is meant to provide a data type...

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