I was trying to post a question in the Forum but I got an alert instead with the message "Your content can not be submitted. This is likely because your content is spam-like or contains inappropriate elements. Please change your content or try again later. If you still have problems, please contact an administrator." I see that also others have had similar problems in the past. May I please have your assistance?
Hello, I was trying to post a question in the Forum but it refused telling me "Your content can not be submitted. This is likely because your content is spam-like or contains inappropriate elements. Please change your content or try again later. If you still have problems, please contact an administrator." I see that also others have had similar problems in the past.
To Shabbir, I am trying to get someone to actively reply to my posting, on the subject of a PostgreSQL Extension. Are you able to help me, via yourself or someone else appropriate that you know of? Home/Forums/Database/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL Extension Project Enquiry Z1234
Hi shabbir, I'm trying to submit a post but it keeps on getting refused by the errror: "Your content can not be submitted. This is likely because your content is spam-like or contains inappropriate elements. Please change your content or try again later. If you still have problems, please contact an administrator." Can you please help me?
Hello! Can you, please, help me submit my article? I can't do it myself because there's an error that occurred when I tried to do that. It is said that it was spam or an ad. How can I post the article? Thank you in advance.
Hi I have a wheel alignment system Lawrence machine V 3 D with safe-net sentinel key system installed,lost USB dongle,& application can not open without the dongle, The software is RS2.950 need away to bypass ,hack or emulate and make a new key without the old key present.
Hii sir , I am a computer science student.My goal is to became a ethical hacker but i dont know where to start.Could you please help me?
Hi , this is a student directory search of a local unversity. w ww .um.ac. ir/Stude nts.html I'm assure that It is very vulnerable. is it possible for you to just add a specific name(student name) into that database? How much wage do you need to do that quietly? I'm in hurry and eagerly wait to know your soon opinion
hy sir can u help me? i need a simple program of phonebook in c++ with classes.that store 10 numbers and dlete no and search and edite and sotre in had disk.......
if u have the notice in pdf form u can send them through my e-mail or you can suggest books i can read.