I need help with this program. I just started and I can't get it to work. Help: Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main() { int x, y, temp, remainder ; // Compute GCM //read in the two integers cout << endl ; cout << "Enter the first number (integer) : " ; cin >> x ; cout << "Enter the second number (integer) : " ; cin >> y ; //echo inputs cout << "Input numbers are: " << x << " , " << y << endl; {// exchange values of x and y if(x < y) { int temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } else if(x < 10) { x = x - 1 ; } else { x = x + 1 ; } } /* At this point we will always have x >= y */ //Initialize remainder. while(remiander!=10) { remainder = x % y; x = y; y = remainder; } // display the result cout << endl ; cout << "The GCD is: " << y << endl ; system("PAUSE"); return (0); }
This is basically what I have to do: I had to declare x, y, temp, and remainder as integers. Then I have to write a C++ if statement to determine if x < y. It is necessary for me to "swap" these values. This requires a “temp” variable. if ( x < y) { temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } This will put x into a temp storage area. It will resets x = y. Now, I have to put x in y but it is gone. However, it is stored in temp! To initialize the remainder, I have to initialize it to some value, usually 0 or 1 but could be something else. I have to use something else. remainder = (x % y); This will give me the remainder after division of x by y. (Note, can’t use y = 0.) Now, in the “while loop”: while (remainder != 0) { x = y y = remainder; remainder = (x % y); } In a nutshell I have to come up with a while loop and if statement with these guidelines. I've tried but I can't get it to work. Once I set everything up I have to plug in the following values: x y Expected answer 1 1 2 2 5 5 20 20 2 10 10 2 36 48 252 108 1024 256 23,205 1,638
So where is the problem. Also I would suggest you read Hints before you make a post to help you in posting your queries and code in the post