Ok I was wondering if it would be possible to make a operating system that would boot up and only run one exe and the exe's that exe points to. I am trying to find this out because i have a older but still fairly decent machine and I want to turn it into a "Arcade System" like run Pacman, Galaga, and older mame games like that as well as Nes, Snes, And maybe even N64 games. thanks ahead of time for all if any info you can provide me :happy:.
Well I dont see a way to edit my last post so im just gonna add this on. Maybe i dont even need a full blown os just a simple boot loader that checks for directorys that understands how to use a .exe and does video, sound and stuff like that
If you can get hold of Dos 3.1 (If I remember it right) that may work and do what you are looking for. It would not be nice to re-invent the wheel.
Well I taken a quick trip around the internet and i cant seem to find much of anything about Dos 3.1. I did found however Dos 3.3 and Windows 3.1 are either of those possibly what you were thinking about?
Hmm well still nothing about Dos 3.1. But I did have somewhat of an epiphany about the selecting what I wanted the Dos 3.1. That would be done in autoexec.bat right?
Ok so how would I go about getting my applications onto the Dos computer. Does any version of Dos have support for usb drives or how about a cd-drive like im only 18 and i have used dos before but I barely remeber anything about it.