There are number of important settings that can be stored in the configuration file. Here are some of the most frequently used configurations, stored conveniently inside Web.config file.. 1. Database connections 2. Session States 3. Error Handling 4. Security but can any one let me know what could be stored in machine.config files[any example] as web.config files as above
you can store same things in Machine.config as u do in the Web.config they are related file the difference is if ur workin in two different related projects they will have two diff web.config files but one machine.config file so u can change settings in the web.config file for each one of them and change the machine.config setting to work on both of them.. settings made on web.config file will affect the machine.config file on that project and the setting of that project results will be the ones in the web.config file... in a conclusion the machine.config file is the general configuration file for all the projects while web.config file is the sepecific configuration file for each project.
In Machine.config file you can store, 1. Connection strings 2. Membership 3. RoleManager 4. Profile 5. HttpHandlers Its like a common repository for standard items and its over ridden by web.config file. Regards, Venkatesan Prabu. J