I would to suggest for "SEO quake" that is the very excellent Seo tool to check the back links with your exact url that is your basic concern regarding this here.
For checking Google back links you can use the operator "link:url" But now you can also use Google Webmaster tool to view a much larger sample of links to pages on your site that Google found on the web. Unlike the link: operator, this data is much more comprehensive and can be classified, filtered, and downloaded. All you need to do is verify site ownership to see this information. Besides , you can use yahoo site explorer to see yahoo backlink. With SEO quake you can even see Bing back links.
You can simply use this search string In your search engine for which you are targetting your keywords: "Links:www.Yoururl.com" Mind it! You will get all the back links for that particular search engine,Not for all over the web.
Hi, Checking the links is very simple. Go to the search query of any search engine and type link: main URL of the website. Every search engine having different criteria to approve the backlinks. Google shows only do-follow backlinks.
I am not sure I understand the question. It is the "with URLs" part I don't understand so I will answer it as "How to check back links". For your own site I would advise Google Webmaster Tools. This is because if you are looking to rank with Google then the only links that really matter are the ones that Google can find. If you want to look at the links to other sites, then there is free and paid software available. The free versions are limited but still useful, such as SEO Spyglass, Open Site Explorer and Backlinkwatch. I haven't used any paid options recently so can't comment on them except to say that generally they give the same information (as the free version) but allow you see more links.