Looking for a private tutor for EJB

Discussion in 'Java' started by cobolfrick, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. cobolfrick

    cobolfrick New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    NYC, USA
    I need a private teacher for EJB. I am a cobol programmer with
    extensive experience in Cobol, CICS and DB2 and I want to switch to
    Java. I know Java well enough to write a simple application. I have
    some general knowledge about EJB. My IDE is IBM Rational Application
    Developer and Websphere is my server. My plan is to write a simple
    application to update a database. I don’t need a lectures, just help
    answering my questions. For example – now I am trying to write simple
    application with EJB – when I select on my IDE EJB applications – IDE
    is creating 2 projects EJB home and EJB client, but I need also a
    project where I will put my html/jsp pages. Those will be more or less
    my questions. I can call you by phone, Skype or send you email with questions. If this
    will work with us, I plan to learn Spring, Struts and Hibernate too. I
    can pay you by paypal.
    Please let me know if agree and how much do you charge.



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